Smart road
Smart road Bhopal near science center
This road start to Bharat Mata choraha to polytechnic college
Smart road Bhopal near science center
This road start to Bharat Mata choraha to polytechnic college
Synopsis of Smart Road Project with Silent Features
The Project of Smart Road Initiated by BSCDCL Keeping at the top of the priority list to served the people groups for street network alongside savvy highlights like shrewd keen shafts to serve web offices and lighting with CCTV watchfulness, climate revealing and contamination level identifier. These posts have been introduced 5 in Nos. At equidistance beginning from Bharat Mata square (Ch.0+000) to ploy system square (Ch.2+200).
This Smart Road will fill in as cycle track remember to utilized non mechanized vehicle uses having width of Cycle track 2.5m on both side of carriage way.
A standout amongst the most significant highlights of shrewd street is underground zap for LT lines inside channel having 1.2m profundity and 1m width over the two sides of principle carriage path all through the length of street.
To isolate the primary carriage route from cycle track we have been given a 1m width green skirt, which will act like a wonderful division.
There are 2 paths separate 8.5m primary carriage route with DBM BC outside layer having camber of 2.5% which will fill in as smooth surface keep running off of downpour water from street surface. This hull has been intended for the speed of 80 KMPH.
There is likewise an arrangement for keen lighting at interim of 30m to make great perceivability during night.
The path separator has been structure at various dimensions to provide food the FRL of street network for the workplaces and structures arranged along street side.
There is additionally a pathway arrangement for people on foot walk way having 2.0m viable width on the two sides all through the length of street.
There is additionally arrangement of Service conduit in Median to amend the issues if comes in Electrical Lines which are crossing our ROW.