Smart Parking , smartcity

Bhopal Smart Parking

Bhopal is developing a huge premise in the present situation and the purpose behind it is the expanding populace in the city. Where there is populace there comes traffic and increment in populace results in expanded rush hour gridlock, Bhopal shrewd city in its arrangements has a few answers for this issue of traffic. Parking spot will be apportioned in the spots where there is a great deal of surge, these spots incorporate New Market, City showcase, Bittan Market, and so on. These parking spots would include numerous highlights like Parking infringement discovery, accessibility of parking spot through setting up for web-based interface, brilliant meters, and so forth. 

In total this venture would make an effect on the general population with coordinated savvy stopping arrangements which empowers brisk, quicker availability with single space discovery, stopping direction on ongoing and enable visitors to save the stopping opening. 

This would likewise give shrewd arrangement which would lessen the movement time, carbon discharge, seek time, traffic blockage in the city. Moreover, it additionally improves traffic stream inside the parking garage with proficient plan and making.


  • Locating a parking space with clear and simple direction and variable message reduces traffic congestion.

  • Quick entry and exit to the parking lots (on street, off street and multi – level parking) with lesser transactional time.

  • Availability of parking slot on real-time with the help of web portal / parking App.

  • Parking violation detection on real time basis.

  • Guide citizens in directing to the available parking slot and making optimal usage of parking space.

  • Real time update of entry & exit of vehicle thus improves occupancy levels.

  • Increases revenue by efficient systems and reduces pilferage.

  • Real time info, Smart meters, ease of payment improve parking operations.

  • Clear, simple directions & ease in parking reduces road accidents (effective design and signage for ease of parking, reducing chances of accidents).

  • Delights users by saving time, effort & cost.

  • Less parking search time reduces carbon emission and controls pollution.

  • Flexibility of tariff fixation based on the demand (Peak, non-peak, special events etc).

  • Identification of parking violations, over stayed events and suspicious parking.

  • Availability of real time data for analysis and Business Intelligence which help in understanding consumer behavior, parking demand and supply etc.  

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